poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2009

The determination of the return on equity

This profitability ratio is available in numerous variants

In addition to the overall viability, sales profitability and return on investment is the return on equity of the best known of profitability ratios.

Return on equity is calculated as the ratio of one for the owner of the relevant company earnings and the size of equity, ie

Return on equity = Profit / Equity

Numerator and denominator of the return on equity
As a result, when the return on equity in general, the net income under profit and loss account (P & L) or an adjusted net income is used, as for example in the context of a successful analysis has been determined.

As the equity return on equity is generally a value used in the preparation of the so-called structural balance (Modern methods of balance sheet analysis) was determined. Often there is the equity value calculated identical to the equity, arising from the normal balance is, in individual cases, but also significant differences between the two approaches of the equity return on equity is available.

Determination of equity to return on equity
As an example of possible corrective steps to determine the profitability of the equity capital is to be used on the following schedule are:

Issued capital
- Unclaimed deposits outstanding

+ Reserves

- Reserves for own shares

Retained earnings + / - loss carryforward

+ Net income

- Distribution for the fiscal year

- Expenses in accordance with Section 269 HGB

- Goodwill value

- Disagio

- Deferred tax

- Equity share of special untaxed reserves

= Equity (EK)
Calculating the return on equity
To calculate the return on equity may qualify for the resulting capital following ways:

Using the adjusted shareholders' equity at end of reference period or
Using the adjusted equity for the period beginning or
Using the average value of equity at the beginning and end of the period.
The market value to determine the return on equity
For listed companies there is also the possibility for the determination of the equity to the market value of the company back. Under market value is the product of the number of issued shares and the exchange rates. To obtain a result of size, such as the annual surplus, about this size in relationship, we obtain the so-called equity returns. On the other hand refers to the ratio of dividend payout and dividend yield than market value.

Stock returns and dividend yield as a percentage to the profit share and return on funds that an investor has, the period beginning with a share of the considered company has acquired. Given the significance of such a crucial figure estimated by the market price depends on the course should start at the beginning of the year.

The price-earnings ratio
To potential investors with a guide for buying and selling decisions that are profit shares and dividends, but also on current exchange rates relative. Instead of the stock return is often the inverse of this expression is used. The resulting price-earnings ratio, which is also known as price-earnings ratio (PER) refers, indicates how much an investor to acquire a stake would have to pay for a performance lasting share of one euro to achieve.

In interpreting these figures should be taken into account that in the past achieved results are not necessarily in the future can be achieved. Moreover, the dividend yield for the assessment of investment success already so limited, since they apply only to the distribution systems.

To avoid this weakness as a further indicator is the so-called defined benefit facility, belonging to the dividend per share during the reference year for the change of exchange rate and adding this value to the market price at the beginning of period applies.

Even this figure, however, only says something about the past and can therefore only subject to the usual restrictions also considered as a meaningful indicator evaluated the future, especially since the development of exchange rates experience fluctuations.

Finance Tools: (to calculate equity and many more)
Monthly Budget Calculator - Automated budget planning
Household Budgets - Create a smart household budget for today's high costs
Budget Planning - Stick to your Budget Plan
Cash Flow Template - Manage your cash flow in one place.
Budget Spreadsheet - Set up online personal budget spreadsheet. It’s Easy
Make a Personal Budget - Discreationary spending versus fixed expenses
Free Budget Worksheets - Your data up-to-date and secure
Budgeting Tools - Control Your Expenses
Money Management Software - Anytime access for information on your money
Home Budget Software - Expert guidance for your home budgeting need

czwartek, 4 czerwca 2009

Why the personal finance software?

Managing your money can be an overwhelming and daunting task, but through personal finance software, your finances can be organized, and you can look to the future with the security of knowing you have enough money to ensure that necessities of life.

Through the personal finance software, you can bank online, the use of transactions, deposits and online bill pay, manage your portfolio and 401K by equities, bonds and mutual funds, receive real-time stock reports, current tax items and other information you can receive your money wisely and a good financial decisions. Then simply export the data of the control software to get the most from taxes.

Personal Financial software can generate reports and graphs so that you have a clear picture of where your money is where it is and where it's going. These reports are invaluable in easy budget planning for your financial future.

On this page you will find articles and comprehensive reviews of personal finance software to help you make an informed decision about which software is right for you. At PersonalFinanceSoftwareREVIEWS our research, so you do not have to.  

Personal Finance Software Home Bookkeeping 4

Home KeepSoft accounting software is a product by an average of your finances in order, it is easy to use and contains some good reports.

If you have a complete program, financial planning, investment and online capabilities, you do not find here is look at the gold and silver products.

Ease of Use / Install:

A user-friendly toolbar that allows you to quickly access all your accounts, expenses and earnings as well as planning and debts, makes a good home accounting program for the computer novice.

The program was easy to install and we did not encounter any errors during installation.

Banking / invoices:

Home bookkeeping your accounts and the tracking of transactions. The software does not connect to the Internet and link to your current bank account, so you do not get money or you will find current transactions.

This software has an extensive section on exchange rates, you have to currencies available and find out what the exchange rate is for a certain amount of money that you need to make the exchange.


Home Bookkeeping offers a few reports in connection with cash-flow and two different various reports.

The software does not provide tax, planning or reporting to invest.

Financial Calculators:

Home Bookkeeping is a purchase-planner that allows you to look at your home budget software and calculate how much money you have more than for the purchase.

We believe, mortgage calculators and other specialties would be valuable resources in this type of software.

Control Options:

Home Accounting Taxes no options.

Personal Investing

Home no investment accounting functions as part of their software. If investment is important to you, then Quicken Deluxe or Microsoft Money Deluxe Suite can be better.


Home Bookkeeping is very simple accounting software. Banking, personal investments, tax planning and options make this product better. The bottom line there is better funding of software packages for the same price.

Personal Finance Software iCash 4

Although iCash MAX Programming LLC allows you to create and manage, this is below the average personal finance software.

iCash has the ability to your accounts at your bank and a budget for everything in your books.

We found only five reports in this product: balance sheet, profit and loss account, profit and loss account summary, account statement and tax.

If you have a program that you are using the latest information from the Web, financial planning and investment security organization look at the Gold or Silver products.

The Bottom Line iCash MAX Programming LLC allows you to basic and budget, but also someone who is interested in their finances to want more features.

Personal Finance Software Account Xpress 3

Account Xpress is a decent program that will give you a very detailed description of your accounts, this is our favorite feature.

Account Xpress is no setup wizard to help you begin your financial information. This is a real downfall for people who are not familiar with financial software.

After going through a rather difficult process of entering all your financial information, accounts Xpress provides you with a circulation summary, list of shops, the list of sub-accounts, balance transfer and monthly traffic.

You can easily see a large sum of all your accounts with the click of the mouse.

Another outstanding feature accounts Xpress provides the ability to create separate accounts in the budget section. You can create an account for your car payment, bank fees and everything else that costs money up to 20 different items.

Accounts Xpress does not offer anything in terms of financial planning, investment, management of stocks, retirement, or tax filing options. Only the gold and silver products offer all these functions.

The bottom line, the average person to want a program that offers more features to help them with their finance, accounting Xpress takes care of some of the basic financial needs, but also for $ 39.98, we would expect a much better product.